The ICHI DAO is governed by the community of ICHI token stakers. Staked ICHI is represented by a separate token, called xICHI.
The xICHI token enables community ownership and active stewardship of the Protocol. xICHI holders govern the Protocol through an on-chain governance process.
The xICHI token enables community ownership and active stewardship of the Protocol. xICHI holders govern the Protocol through an on-chain governance process.
Ideate. Bring up the idea in the “Proposals-Discussion” channel, tagging everyone for full awareness. This will enable community discussion and engagement.
Draft a proposal. This proposal should include the following: idea, reasoning for proposal, how it will benefit the ICHI community, and possible risks. Share the detailed proposal with the community on the “Proposals-Discussion” channel.
Submission. Once approved on Discord, schedule a live stage meeting to review the proposal. Identify the default quorum, and set a timeline.